During the first group session of the programme you will take part in an exercise with other participants.

The exercise will be recorded, and you will receive a link to the video after the session. You will review the video so that you can:

  • Collect data that will help you assess how you currently influence others.
  • Explore influence behaviour in a typical decision-making meeting.


You will conduct this exercise in three steps. You will carry out Steps 1 and 2 here and complete Step 3 during the first group session of the programme.

  • Step 1: Read about the background and the five behavioural styles.
  • Step 2: Decide how much weight to give to each of the styles.
  • Step 3: In the first group session you will meet with other participants to reach consensus on weighting each style.


You are a member of a committee that must decide what kind of person to hire as a new Senior Leader in your organisation.

Thinking about your current work context and the challenges and opportunities faced by the organisation, you should rank order the management styles that you think it will be important for the new Senior Leader to use.


  • Decide how much weight to give to each of the five styles.
  • Allot 12 points among the five styles, according to how much weight you think each style deserves.
  • You must distribute the 12 points so that one style (your “most preferred”) receives at least 2 points more than any other style. This will help you make a strong commitment to an Influence Objective.


Asserts wishes and requirements directly and positively. Lets others know what is required of them; quick to tell them when pleased or dissatisfied.

Uses a combination of incentives and pressures to get others to agree with plans and proposals; follows up to make sure that others carry out agreements and commitments.

Engages in bargaining and negotiating to reach objectives, using both tough and conciliatory styles according to the realities of power and position in each situation.


Open and non-defensive; quick to admit mistakes or to not having all the answers.

Listens attentively to the ideas and feelings of others; actively communicates interest in their contributions and understanding of their views.

Willing to be influenced by others while pursuing personal objectives. Supports others’ ideas and accomplishments.

Lets everyone be heard before decisions are made, even when it takes extra time or the other’s position is weak.

Shows trust in others; brings out their strengths and abilities, while remaining in the background if necessary.


Appeals to others’ emotions and ideals by using forceful and colourful words and images.

Projects enthusiasm that is contagious. Brings others to believe in their ability to accomplish and succeed by working together and articulating a vision of future possibilities.

Sees the exciting potential in an idea or situation; communicates this excitement to others.

Brings others to see the values, hopes, and aspirations they have in common. Helps them build these common values into a shared sense of group loyalty and commitment.


Produces detailed and comprehensive proposals for dealing with problems.

Persistently finds and presents the logic behind ideas; marshals facts, arguments, and opinions to support a position.

Quickly grasps the strengths and weaknesses in an argument; sees and articulates the logical connections between different aspects of a complex situation.

Sells ideas vigorously and with determination; defends the logical approach to business problem solving.


Cool and detached. Skilful at moulding a consensus out of diverse opinions. Rarely pushes his or her own position, preferring to look for a compromise position that all can accept and support.

Skillful at discovering others’ needs and finding ways to meet them. Manages differences of opinion and conflict in groups or one-on-one through well-timed breaks and carefully applied structures and processes.

Uses jokes and anecdotes to defuse conflict. Rarely confronts anyone directly, preferring a decision that is generally acceptable to one that must be imposed.

Defuses tense situations and maintains a calm, peaceful working climate.


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